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Island Farm: Spring Kids
July 30, 2012
Author : Doreen Cabot
Category: Community
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Farmer Doreen Cabot supplements mothersʼ milk with bottle feeds for her Katahdin Hair sheep, contributing to a very busy spring. -- Photo by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor
Another season of birthing kids and lambs has passed at our farm on North Haven island. Twenty-eight lambs and twenty-one kids can be seen running leaps and bounds over the fields at Foggy Meadows Farm. New mothers cry out as they try to keep track of their babies while seasoned ewes and does keep on nibbling grass without a care.

Of Foggy Meadows Farm sheep Doreen Cabot says “Katahdins shed so we don't need to shear them. They are highly parasite resistant and their meat is mild.” -- Photo by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor

Lazarus -- Photo by Sam Cabot

Just like the year before, Lottie gave birth to quadruplets. Bonding to her first right away, and the others taking three more hours to deliver, this Mom favored the first born so much Doreen ended up bottle feeding the other three. Lottie lost over 40 pounds in one day! -- Photos by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor
The joys of farming come from affection given to us by our animals every day. Lambs and kids nibble on our clothing until we stop to give them attention. They squeal with joy when they hear our voices. Of course, most of the time, we know they are hoping to get a snack instead of a pat on their heads.

One of the Foggy Meadows Farm Moms and her happy-go- lucky kid. Says Cabot, “Boer goats are a meat goat. We do not milk them. They are high in protein and very lean. The meat is not marbled. It is highly digestible.” -- Photo by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor

North Haven Community School Middle Schoolers (left to right) Adam Murphy, Caleb Mao, and Tristan Carrier enjoy the kids on a Sunday -- Photo by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor
Many tears are shed but the memories of their affection abounds. They nourish our bodies and souls. North Haven is a perfect place to raise natural meat. Island lamb was famous many generations ago. Today we offer our lamb and chevon for sale at our little farm store. It is just as delightful as it was in our grandparentsʼ day. We welcome visitors to meet our animals to witness the love they give and receive.

-- Photo by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor
Doreen Brown Cabot lives on North Haven island in Maine with her husband Sam. Together, they raise Boer goats and Katahdin sheep at Foggy Meadows Farm, one of five farms on the island.
They have three grown children and four grandchildren that live on the island with their families. Their dog, a Welsh Corgi, Flossie, loves the farm animals.
Doreen enjoys watercolor painting, rug hooking, knitting, gardening, and family life on the island. Their farm is open daily: 3 Amesbury Point Road, North Haven, ME 04853, Sam & Doreen Cabot, 867-4625 (Please call first in case the Cabots are out in the barns or fields.)

-- Photo by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor
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