A Maine Island Story for the Holidays

December 7, 2020      Author : admin    Category: Community, Environment      0 Comment(s)

On Harbor’s Edge: A Maine Island Story for the Holidays

On Harbor’s Edge cover art by Scott Hewett.

On Harbor’s Edge by Kate Hotchkiss is delighting readers in seven countries since its launch in July. Says award-winning author Linda Greenlaw, "Captivating! On Harbor’s Edge hooked me line and sinker with fascinating characters and dramatic plots brilliantly layered in Maine island life a hundred years ago. Can’t wait for the sequel!"

On Harbor’s Edge: Book One 1912 – 1913 is the first story in a series of dramatic, generationally layered plots from the early 1900s to the present.

In book one, an unsuspecting bride gets into a boat one stormy June day in 1912, and Thaddeus takes her far out to sea to the end of a small Maine island. There, harbor folk welcome Mildred with hopeful joy, but she discovers the tiny fishing village is headed for a most dreadful end. In her efforts to save this treasured island home, Mildred must risk losing everything she holds dear. Book two, which spans 1913 – 1920, is underway.

Hotchkiss started writing while living on two Maine islands and visiting several others by lobster boat, sailboat, air taxi, ferry and mailboat. Hotchkiss treasuresthe unique character and natural beauty of Maine islands, explainingpart of her story’s inspiration:“Maine islands have such rich, fascinating history imbedded within their gorgeous shores thatI enjoyimagining what life could be like so many decades ago. I hope that On Harbor’s Edge provides readers a virtual escape to a Maine island, no matter where they live, while bringing to light important issues challenging such tiny communities.”

Kate Hotchkiss lobster fished for several seasons for two captains, including young Captain Ethan Mao. Image by Nancy Calvert, circa 2009.

Observes award-winning author Susan Conley, “Kate Hotchkiss captures the workings of an island here in one fantastic novel. On Harbor’s Edge gives us real Maine on the page: men and women working hard on the sea and finding big love with all its complications, while Hotchkiss shows us the extraordinary life force needed to keep an island village alive. On Harbor’s Edge brings us to Maine and lets us live on the island with her characters in a way that no other Maine story I’ve read has done.”

Adds year round Maine islander Louisa Brown, whose husband is a lobster fisherman, “This is an amazing read! True island living, with a bit of romance and hardship. Can’t wait for the next book!”

North Haven island’s Omar Thomas was awarded a square lobster trap patent on September 20, 1888. Illustration by Scott Hewett.

On Harbor’s Edge is available in English via US bookstores and libraries, and directly from the publisher. The book is also available on Amazon globally via Kindle downloads. The book is scheduled to be published in Chinese within 2021.



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