A World of Unique Character and Natural Beauty

Art Show Supports Island Schools

April 8, 2012      Author : Maine Island Living    Category: Art, Community      0 Comment(s)

Isolated schools are vital, innovative, collaborative centers of teaching and learning that prepare students to thrive in the 21st Century.     – Outer Islands TLC Vision

Final 54 x 70 inch painting, View from Thrumcap, Great Cranberry Island to Mount Desert, ready to take the barge trip four nautical miles across the Great Bay from Islesford to Northeast Harbor, and then on to Rockland for exhibition. Half the proceeds from the show will go to the Outer Islands TLC. Explains Isaacs, “Without a school a community vanishes. Over a period of only decades, we have lost all but twelve out of 150 one or two-room schools serving isolated populations in our state.”

“The Outer Islands TLC [Teaching and Learning Collaborative] represents the best chance for our small communities to survive.  With school numbers dwindling to two and three for some islands, the skill and care of the TLC teachers have made a single classroom that spans six islands and hundreds of miles of ocean,“ observes celebrated Maine artist Henry Isaacs.  Isaacs’s opening reception for Lessons from an Island takes place on April 20th,  5 – 7 p.m. at the Archipelago Fine Arts Gallery, 386 Main Street in Rockland, Maine.   In a major commitment of support benefiting five Maine island K-8 schools in Islesford (The Ashley Bryan School of the two Cranberry Isles), Isle au Haut, Matinicus, Monhegan, and Cliff, Isaacs is donating half of the show’s proceeds to the Outer Islands TLC.  Lessons from an Island runs through Friday, June 22, 2012.

Isaacs sets up for a day of painting, fall 2011. “I paint every day. A missed day makes me cranky. It's peace, concentration, invention and meditation. . . and a living!” says Isaacs. -Photo by Donna Isaacs

View from Thrumcap, Great Cranberry Island to Mount Desert starts to take shape. Although less than a mile as the crow flies, getting to and from this work site required a truck ride, then ferry, another truck ride, and then onto a four-wheeler. “Then of course in reverse!” adds Isaacs. -Photo by Donna Isaacs

The community of The Outer Islands TLC creates a lifeline of support for students and teachers in order to sustain our one and two-room island schools.  – Outer Islands TLC Mission


Isaacs eventually brings the painting into his studio in Islesford, Little Cranberry Island. Of doing most of his painting outside Isaacs explains, “I do look for at least calm winds and not too much rain or snow in the forecast. However I often find myself running , dragging gear to shelter as the wind picks up and the weather strands me.” -Photo by Donna Isaacs

The Archipelago Fine Arts Gallery awaits approximately 25 oil paintings to don its freshly painted walls. Henry and Donna Isaacs delivered his work on April 7th, a day later than planned due to poor sea conditions preventing a barge run off the island. All paintings are now safe and sound at the Gallery. -Photo by Kate Hotchkiss Taylor

For further information on Lessons from an Island please contact Ms. Lisa Mossel Vietze, Archipelago Manager, tel: 207-596-0701, lvietze@islandinstitute.org.

Related Links:

Henry Isaacs Studio:  www.henryisaacs.com
The Archipelago and image gallery of Henry Isaacs art:    www.thearchipelago.net
Outer Islands Teaching and Learning Collaborative:  www.outerislandstlc.org
Islesford – An Invitation to Henry’s Show: http://www.islesford.com/node/31
Island Institute:  www.islandinstitute.org

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